Last update January 11, 2003

Here all information about Transsib history published on our site including data placed in other sections (Photogallery, Handbook) and on the cite “Circum-Baikal railway” are collected. Materials situated on another servers of Trans-Siberian project are marked by sign *. Underneath this page useful information resources in Internet and main sources for writing this section are given.

Reviews of Great Siberian Way history. General chronology.
Materials about history of Great Siberian Way lines construction.
Bibliography of Transsib (Great Siberian Way) before 1917 (only foreign publications).
Stories, descriptions of localities and lines, other articles.
Historical documents and certificates.
Historical shedules.
Historical maps.
Transsib persons.

Person number 1 in history of Great Siberian Way is undoubtedly, Sergey Yul’evich Vitte (1849 – 1915).
Thanks to his power the construction got such gigantic extent…
Sergey Yul'evich Vitte

Reviews of Great Siberian Way history. General chronology

Stages of Great Siberian Way construction (1891-1916) /S. Sigachyov
How Transsib was created: brief historical article (1891-1925) /compilation by S. Sigachyov
Transsib cost for the Russian Empire (1891-1913) /S. Sigachyov
Stages of Transsib railway electrification (1929-2002) /S. Sigachyov

Materials about history of Great Siberian Way lines construction

 Chinese Eastern line: history of construction and operation (1893-1950) /V. F. Burkova
 Circum-Baikal railway: brief chronology of construction (1896-1905) /S. Sigachyov, M. Krainov *
 Circum-Baikal railway: the prospects of other railway variants (1889-1900) /M. Krainov *

Bibliography of Transsib (Great Siberin Way)

-A- -B- -C- -D- -E- -F- -G- -H- -I- -J- -K- -L- -M- -N-
-O- -P- -Q- -R- -S- -T- -U- -V- -W- -X- -Y- -Z-

The most complete in nowdays.
The compiler is
Sergey Kann.

Stories, descriptions of localities and lines, other articles

 Verstage of Transbaikal line /S. Sigachyov

 Irkutsk – Baikal line /M. Krainov *

Historical documents and certificates

Transsib Museum: documents /site section
Transsib Museum: awards and badges /site section
Transsib Museum: railway uniform /site section
 Rescript about twenty-fifth anniversary of the beginning of Great Siberian Way construction by Nikolai II. /Sent by V. Zimin (gif:155 kb)

Historical shedules

 Shedules in 1899. Perm – Vyatka – Kotlas /M. Bronnikov
 Shedules in 1903. Great Siberian Way and branches of CEL /V. Burkova
 Shedules in 1928. Trans-Siberian railway /M. Bronnikov
 Shedules in 1940. Trans-Siberian railway /M. Bronnikov

Historical maps

 Great Siberian Way from Petersburg to Vladivostok /Sent by Philipp Robinson (jpg:134 kb)
 Scheme-map of Great Siberian Ways lines (CEL isn’t shown) /To the Great Ocean, H.Tupper, 1962(gif:82 kb)
 Map of West Siberian line (1903) /Sent by V. Muratov (jpg:133 kb)
 Map of Middle Siberian line (1903) /
Sent by V. Muratov (jpg:116 kb)
 Map of Transbaikal line (1903) /
Sent by V. Muratov (jpg:72 kb)
 Map of Chinese Eastern line (1903) /
Sent by V. Muratov (jpg:94 kb)
 Map of South Manchurian line (1903) /
Sent by V. Muratov (jpg:86 kb)
 Map of Ussurian line (1903) /
Sent by V. Muratov (jpg:49 kb)
 Map of Samara-Zlatoust line (1900) /
Sent by V. Muratov (jpg:274 kb)
 Chinese Eastern line (1900) /Gave by V. Burkova (jpg:475 kb)
 Map of concerted fast long-distance trains from Moscow to Dalni (1903) /Gave by V. Burkova (jpg:331 kb)
 “Bocharov’s spiral” with tunnel at CEL in area of Bolshoy Khingan (1904) /
Gave by V. Burkova (jpg:35 kb)
 Goods traffics of Ussurian line (1933) /Gave by V. Burkova (jpg:149 kb)

Transsib persons

 Transsib persons

Useful information resources:

Main sources for historical section were:
“To the Great Ocean”, by H.Tupper, Boston – Toronto, 1965
Great Siberian Way, V. Kazimirov, Chita, 1991
Great Siberian Way: history-economic story, V. P. Kalinichev, Moscow, 1991
• Vitte – financier, politician, diplomat, S. A. Stepanov and A. P. Korelin, Moscow, 1998
• East Siberian railway main line, Irkutsk, 1998
Far Eastern line, Khabarovsk, 1997
The way is the life, Chita, 2000
Brief knowledge about development of domestic railways from 1838 to 1990,  Moscow, 1996
• Locomotives of domestic railways 1845-1955, V. A. Rakov, Moscow, 1995
• Ministers and national commissars of railways, Moscow, 1995
• Guidebook along Great Siberian Way, St Petersburg, 1900
Guidebook along Great Siberian Way, St Petersburg, 1901-1902
• Guidebook along Great Siberian Way, St Petersburg, 1910
• Guidebook along Great Siberian Way, St Petersburg, 1914
Handbook of USSR railway stations in 2 v., Moscow, 1981
• Encyclopedia of railway transport of USSR, Moscow, 1994
• Anniversary album of railway lines are at Transsib, 1991-2000
• also another sources with lesser significiance – books, brochures and visual materials…