What's Transsib is? Geography. Route. Time zones. Zone time at Transsib.

Trains and costs Railway lines

Main stations Detailed text schemes of Transsib

Transsib electrification Maps and schemes

Transsib cost for Russian nation Transsib records: the most of the railway

Circum-Baikal handbook


Text schemes of Transsib, direct links:

Moscow – Yaroslavl – Svecha + Map
Svecha – Perm – Yekaterinburg + Map
Yekaterinburg – Tyumen – Omsk + Map
Omsk – Novosibirsk – Mariinsk + Map
Mariinsk – Krasnoyarsk – Taishet + Map
Taishet – Irkutsk – Slyudyanka + Map
Slyudyanka – Ulan-Ude – Chita + Map
Chita – Mogocha – Skovorodino + Map
Skovorodino – Belogorsk – Bira + Map
Bira – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok + Map
Main stations, the main (northern) way
Main stations, South Uralian way
Main stations, Nizhniy Novgorod way
Main stations, Kazan way

Useful information resources:

Russian railways (shedules and costs)
Buy a ticket online!
Well be on time! (shedules, Steam locomotive IS)
Station coordinats (A. Krivenyshev)
Railway handbook (A. Ulanov)
Internet-journal Semaphore (online version)
Internet-journal Semaphore (PDF version)
About current events – at the site of RF Railway Ministry
Supermap by Dmitry Zinoviev (Steam locomotive IS)
Family-tree of railway lines (Steam locomotive IS)


Main sources for this Handbook were served for:

Guidebook along Great Siberian Way, St-Petersburg, 1901
• Guidebook along Great Siberian Way, St-Petersburg, 1910
• Guidebook along Great Siberian Way, St-Petersburg, 1914
Album of schemes of railways of CIS States-members and Baltic States, Moscow, 1999
Album of USSR railways, Moscow, 1986
USSR railways – directions and stations, Moscow, 1970
• Encyclopedia of USSR railway transport, Moscow, 1994
Handbook of USSR railway stations in 2 v., Moscow, 1981
Monograph “To the Great Ocean”, by H.Tupper, Boston – Toronto, 1965
Brief knowledge about development of domestic railways from 1838 to 1990, Moscow, 1996
• Anniversary album of railway lines are at Transsib, 1991-2000
• Train and station shedules , 1980-2001
• Numerous maps of areas and regions of Russia with scale 1:500,000 and larger, 1961-2000
• Personal trips, observations and notes by the author and many site visitors, 1973-2001
• also more than 40 various sources – books, booklet and visual materials…